Innovative Systems to enhance Antifraud Customs Controls
Project Summary
ISACC aims to define information methodologies, models, processes and structures that can simplify and harmonize the introduction of innovative approaches in the anti-fraud inspection and control phases in Italy. Albania and Montenegro. A customs 'footprint' will be created, consisting in a digital form with info and parameters of a good, aimed at verifying in customs control points the invariance of the generated information through automatic data analysis systems and geo-tracking information. The project is based on three pillars: building up of an international network of public institutions in the customs sector; design, development and pilot of the IT platform supporting customs controls activities; capacity building for customs servants and private stakeholders.
Total budget | 996.997,04 EUR |
EU Contribution | IPA co-financing 85% |
Duration | 01.07.2020 – 31.12.2021 |
Main Outputs
- Information Technology (IT) platform for antifraud customs controls
Project Partnership
Lead Partner
Project Partners
- Università del Salento (IT)
- Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura del Molise (IT)
- Javna ustanova Univerzitet Crne Gore (ME)
- Instituti I Trasportit (AL)
Associated Partners
- Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (IT)
- Drejtoria e Pèrgjithshme e Doganavecters (AL)
- Uprava carina Crne Gore (ME)
Photo Gallery
Video Gallery