On December 16th 2022, the final event of the ISACC project "ISACC Innovative Systems to enhance Antifraud Customs Controls" took place at the "Sala Rossa" of the headquarters of the Italian Customs Agency, in Rome.
The event was an opportunity to sum up the work done over the last years, to create a moment of final discussion and to lay the basis for possible continuations and new developments of the project. The speakers made a final assessment highlighting the objectives achieved as a partnership and as individual partners. In this framework, it has been underlined how the project has achieved many relevant results, in terms of: development of an interoperable platform to support of the customs anti-fraud controls and inspection activities; best practices sharing and technical contents production for online webinars and, hence, the improvement of the customs skills of officials and private operators; legal, administrative and technological state of the art analyses to define needs, similarities and gaps to bridge in order to facilitate the procedural harmonization in the transport sector.
The Albanian and Montenegrin delegations and the Italian authorities took part in the debate, in particular: Marco Antonio Mamone director of the International Cooperation Office of the Italian Custom Agency; Silvio Busico president of ITS Logistica Puglia and Mauro Novello, coordinator of the Joint Secretariat of INTERREG IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro. Following the greetings, a roundtable discussion entitled: "Digitalization in customs as a new opportunity for international cooperation in the South Adriatic Area: challenges, impacts, future scenarios" has been moderated by project coordinator Annachiara Stefanucci, EU Funds Dpt. - ITS LOGISTICA PUGLIA. Marco Mattiocco - Italian Customs Agency, Saimir Sinani, - Albanian Customs Agency and Milan Pajic -Montenegrin Customs Agency - participated to the discussion contributing with an interesting exchange of views.
Finally, the topic of discussion moved to the results achieved by each individual project action. In this regard, professor Danilo Nikolic (University of Montenegro), Angelo Corallo (University of Salento), Danilo Martino (Advantech Srl), Francesca Cuna (SERM Company – Chamber of Commerce of Molise provided an overall presentation of the results achieved and goals accomplished.
The assessment of the results of the current programming period is the first step in order to get prepared for the launch of the next calls of the Italy Albania Montenegro program for the new programming period and draw the lines for future innovative developments of the ISACC project.