The Capacity building activity of the ISACC project (Innovative Systems to enhance Antifraud Customs Controls) just started with the delivery of two webinars addressed to custom servants and private operators.
The first webinar, in online mode, held on November 16th, addressed at custom servants belonging to the National Customs Agencies of Italy, Albania and Montenegro. The webinar saw the interventions of Annachiara Stefanucci (Fondazione ITS Logistica Puglia per la Mobilità Sostenibile), Mattia Colucci (Università del Salento, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Innovazione) and Danilo Martino (Advantech S.r.l). It focused on the use, the objectives, the practical applications and all the functionalities of the ISACC platform, including the comparison on-line system and its controls among the three countries data. The contents will be based on the correct usage of the IT platform and the relevant contents and materials identified and developed by the ISACC team of experts for the best preparation of the webinars.
The second webinar will be organized into two modules, scheduled on November 18th and 22th, and will involve all interested private operators, connected to the Network of the ISACC project and its partners: Fondazione ITS per la Mobilità sostenibile GE.IN.LOGISTIC (IT), lead organization, Università del Salento (IT), Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura del Molise (IT), Javna ustanova Univerzitet Crne Gore (ME), Instituti I Trasportit (AL) and the Associated Partners, and namely: Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (IT), Drejtoria e Pèrgjithshme e Doganavecters (AL), Uprava carina Crne Gore (ME).
The first module will focus on eCustoms procedures, to reinforce their digital abilities to comply with electronic formalities and new technologies and the second one will focus on safety and security requirements to reinforce their knowledge on customs procedures and controls to increase the quality, security and safety standards of goods traded. Both modules will see presentations from Annachiara Stefanucci, as general project coordinator, for ITS Logistica, Francesca Cuna, as representative of Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura del Molise and Cristina Piangatello professor of Community and International Customs law.
The webinars are carried out with due translations in the three programme countries and in English The participation to the webinar is free to all professionals interested in the topics dealt, at this link:
The contents delivered will be post-produced and made available as project materials on the ISACC website.