On the 20th April, it took place the Steering Committee Meeting of the Project “ISACC Innovative Systems to enhance Antifraud Customs Controls” getting into the heart of the developing interregional process.
The hurdle race along a complex and unstable period over the last two pandemic years reached a key stage for the creation of a safer and integrated system between Customs Agencies.
The project team met on-line involving the partners, and namely Fondazione ITS per la Mobilità sostenibile GE.IN.LOGISTIC (IT), lead organization, Università del Salento (IT), Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura del Molise (IT), Javna ustanova Univerzitet Crne Gore (ME), Instituti I Trasportit (AL) and the Associated Partners, and namely: Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (IT), Drejtoria e Pèrgjithshme e Doganavecters (AL), Uprava carina Crne Gore (ME).
During the 3rd Steering Committee, decisive decisions have been taken for the advancement of the development of the ISACC platform, core project output, which will integrate data coming from heterogeneous technologies and systems, in order to provide a rich information base (a “custom footprint”) supporting customs authorities during antifraud controls.
While the collection of customs scanner images is going on for the platfrom algorithm training and the strengthening of a trustworthy control system, the meeting established the three ports where the Pilot will the implemented (Bari, Bar and Durres).
The Steering Committee also gave the opportunity to settle the next capacity building for customs servants and private stakeholders’ session in vivo and online to enhance the operational, administrative, and technical capacities of both customs servants and private transport operators and to contribute to improve the overall technical capabilities of the administrations, the cross-border procedures, and their efficiency a well as the regional cooperation in the field. These actions addressed to private operators will reinforce the digital skills to comply with electronic formalities and will introduce new technologies and knowledge on customs procedures.
At last, it will be possible for the reunion of all the partners involved in presence which has been rescheduled according to the slacken of restriction due to the improvement of health conditions and the chance of international travels.