The Steering Committee Meeting - Research meeting and the Infoday in Molise of the ISACC project "ISACC Innovative Systems to enhance Antifraud Customs Controls" were held today 7th December at the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Molise in Campobasso.
During the Infoday open to the public, members of local institutions and local operators were involved in a day of discussion and training on issues related to customs procedures, anti-fraud controls and the use and functioning of the IT platform created as part of the project. The Infoday was also created with the aim of transmitting the technical skills useful for using the platform for loading, comparing and analyzing data relating to trade flows in the project area.
During the steering committee meeting important steps forward were made in preparation for the completion of the project scheduled for the end of the year. The project staff, with related external experts and staff of the associated partners, put to take final decisions in order to best implement and coordinate the final phase of the ISACC project. Furthermore, preparatory actions have been planned for the development of the final event of the project, which will be held in Rome, at the headquarters of the Italian Customs Agency, on next 16th December. The event foresees the participation of all delegations from Italy, Albania and Montenegro, to constitute a definitive and final opportunity for exchange and growth to make a difference within the target area. The project team met in vivo and on-line involving all partners, namely : ITS Foundation for Sustainable Mobility GE.IN.LOGISTIC (IT), lead organization, University of Salento (IT), Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture del Molise (IT), Javna ustanova Univerzitet Crne Gore (ME), Instituti I Trasportit (AL) and the Associated Partners, and namely: Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (IT), Drejtoria e Pèrgjithshme e Doganavecters (AL), Uprava carina Crne Gore (ME).
The project partners are committed to closing the activities related to each work package and making the best use of the resources available to the project, in order to continue to maintain a forward-looking and dynamic approach to the new challenges that will arise. After years of collaboration, the partners are determined to conclude the work in the best possible way, trying to value the work done and implement the final activities.