The ISACC project came to the natural end of its implementation last December.
With the closing of the activities and the finalization of all the work packages, the project comes to a successful conclusion.
The partnership is enthusiastic about having completed the project by finalizing all the planned activities and overcoming considerable difficulties deriving from the explosion of the covid 19 pandemic and from the legal difficulties due to the harmonization of initially non-interoperable national systems and databases.
In these months, many relevant results have been achieved:
• the development of an interoperable platform to support customs anti-fraud controls and inspection activities;
• sharing best practices and produced technical contents for online webinars to improve the customs skills of officials and private operators;
• analysis of the legal, administrative and technological state of the art to define needs, similarities and gaps to bridge in order to facilitate the procedural harmonization in the sector.
But above all, the project created a strong international network of partners and stakeholders to promote the innovation and digital transformation in the customs field and to increase efficiency and security of cross-border trade, which will be further capitalized on in other future projects and joint initiatives. The ISACC Partnership has been further enriched thanks to the endorsements received from the customs agencies of the three countries involved, which we thank for their support. The three agencies have actively contributed to the development of the outputs, and from the very beginning proved to be willing to take part in the pilot phase.
The project staff is confident that this project can positively affect the volume of goods traded between the three target countries, and determine positive impacts in economic and employment terms. By simplifying the customs procedures for the economic operators of the program area, ISACC will contribute to optimizing the logistic processes of ports, which will adopt the technological solution developed in order to support the competitiveness of all the territories involved in the experimentation.